

Logo_MinisterioThe HYPERDOC project, sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Grant PID2021-124446-NB100 financed by MICIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER, UE) is scheduled to run from September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2025. Our project focuses on utilizing spectral imaging to analyze historical and artistic documents from different perspectives, ranging from the identification and mapping of materials to the revelation of hidden details.

The HYPERDOC project offers several key benefits

We’ve created a publicly accessible database containing hyperspectral images and reflectance spectra. These have been carefully gathered from various materials found in historical documents, both in controlled laboratory settings and real historical documents we’ve studied during our project.We’ve developed a software toolbox for automated analysis using spectral images. This toolbox enables preliminary material composition analysis using various methods and includes rendering capabilities.


Our commitment extends to digitally preserving historical documents by integrating spectral image data into their archives.


artwork_specim_capture_2-scaled artwork_specim_capture-scaled

This project is a collaborative effort involving experts from the Department of Optics at the University of Granada (UGR), working alongside those responsible for historical archives in Granada. We also have partners from the Department of Analytical Chemistry and the Group of Science and Culture of Heritage at UGR. Additionally, we collaborate with institutions like Milano Bicocca University in Italy, NTNU in Norway, and Lyon in France.

This website serves as a hub where you can follow the progress of the HYPERDOC project. We invite you to join us in our scientific journey and exploration of history.

The list of researchers involved in HYPERDOC here